Adult Mandarin Class
Our teacher:
Youli Huang
Bachelor’s degree (BA) in Human Resource Management of University of Sichuan. Second Bachelor’s degree in Primary School Education of University of Chengdu. She gained the Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Certificate from University of Chengdu in 2001. Youli has over 10 years of teaching experience and has worked for several high profile language centre in China. She has been teaching Chinese in England for two years before she moved to Swindon. She teaches the Adult Class in Swindon Chinese School and got highly appraisal of her strong commitment to delivering great teaching for her students.
黄佑利: 四川大学人力资源管理本科、成都大学中文系小学教育专业 ,并于2011年取得1PA资质证书(即教授中文为第二语言的资格证书)。自2003年起至2011年在国内有丰富的外教经验,曾在英国另一所中文学校执教。佑利老师具有丰富的汉语教学经验,曾在中国的大型对外汉语教育中心有近十年的教学资历。定居英国后继续汉语教学工作。佑利老师目前在学校担任成人班的教学工作。由于她的工作严谨,教学风趣得到成人班学生的一致好评。