事业猴飞凤舞,家庭猴凤呈祥,儿孙猴驹凤雏,健康猴猴精神, 万事猴章凤彩,福寿安康!
為了迎接猴年春节, SWINDON華人協會及華人教会將联合舉辦2016迎春聯歡會,讓远在海外的华人歡聚一堂,在歡聲笑語中一起迎接猴年!
時間:2016年2月7日 (14.00-18.00)
地點:Main Hall, St Joseph's Catholic College, Ocotal Way, SWINDON, SN3 3LR
一、聚餐會 - 帶上您最拿手的菜餚,成就我們自己的滿漢全席!時間(14.00pm-15.30pm)
1. 大家攜帶的菜品將會被統一放置在長桌上,14.30pm開始我們將以自助形式開始共同用餐。
2. 各位攜帶的菜品數量,請以能滿足自家人員食用的量來計算。(如:一人一份菜品,2大1小兩份菜品)
3. 將會提供一次性餐具,主食,飲料,零食和水果
二、遊藝會及卡拉OK 时间:15:30pm-18:00pm
1. 成人遊藝項目:
2. 兒童遊藝項目:
3. 卡拉OK
SCC 準備了專業卡拉OK設備,有上千首歌曲可供您選擇,喜愛唱歌的朋友可屆時一展歌喉!同時歡迎具有專業水準的朋友報名參加文藝表演。
SWINDON 華人協會及華人教会敬候您的光臨!我們與您相約猴年春节相聚!
Swindon Chinese Community (SCC) is renamed from Swindon Mandarin Community Association (SMCA), which was formerly Swindon Chinese Mandarin School (SCMS) established in 1997.
SCC is a voluntary community organisation for people who are interested in Chinese traditional culture and customs (e.g. Tai Chi, Yoga, Cuisine, Medicine, Festivals, Mandarin, Calligraphy etc); and willing to use Chinese culture and customs to improve the lifestyle quality of both their own and their surrounding people (i.e. Swindon residents).
SCC aims to work hand in hand with Swindon Borough Council and other communities in Swindon, playing a role in making Swindon the best / safest place to live in the UK.
SCC is also in support of Swindon Borough Council to reach their “Local Area Agreement 2” target by 2014 in several aspects; e.g. safer and stronger communities, healthy communities and older people, economic development and enterprise, children and young people, environment and sustainability.